Clean, reliable power for Nova Scotia


How will Nova Scotians get electricity from Renewall?

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Wind energy is the most affordable energy source in the world and is Nova Scotia's largest untapped resource.

Renewable energy wind turbines producing clean, reliable power for Nova Scotia.
Light Bulb

We’re renewable energy experts

Our leadership is among the biggest advocates for renewables in Nova Scotia. With Renewall's parent company, Roswall, we have been building renewable solar and wind projects at scale in the province for almost two decades. When the media need a clean energy expert, they call us.

Dan Roscoe Avatar
Dan Roscoe
Sandy Peddle
Utility Solutions Manager
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Our first large scale wind farm

In 2026, Renewall will begin generating renewable wind energy from the Mersey River Wind project in Queens County,  Nova Scotia. Our clean energy infrastructure will continue to grow throughout Nova Scotia wherever appropriate opportunities present themselves.


Smarter energy choices for your business

Renewall provides a reliable source of clean energy, helping businesses meet ESG targets while managing costs with greater predictability. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, Renewall protects your margins and ensures alignment with evolving carbon emission standards. Together, we’re building a more competitive Nova Scotia for the future.

Sign up for Renewall now
Man wearing hard helmet

Running a small business or nonprofit?

If you're running a small business or nonprofit, Renewall's Home + Small Business service is designed with you in mind. Most small-scale operations easily qualify ensuring you get access to clean, reliable energy solutions designed for your needs.

Check out Renewall for Home

Does my business qualify as a small business?


Smarter energy choices for your business

By choosing Renewall, you're not just getting smarter energy at a more stable price, you're embracing a smarter way to power your daily life, all while contributing to a healthier local economy and a future we all can afford.

Sign up for Renewall now
Woman in small business
Small business owner

More predictable electricity bills? Absolutely.

Lock in electricity rates with long term agreements.

Check out Renewall for Home

Be one of the first Nova Scotian homes powered by clean energy in 2026!

Don’t miss out, capacity is limited.

Sign up for Renewall now
nova scotia family